25 years of creating English Experiences


We are the English Educational Opportunities Programme, or EEOP, and have been enabling students to live and learn in England for 25 years. We’ve put all that knowledge and expertise to work, ensuring our programmes not only help you learn to speak English like a native, but give you an invaluable and unforgettable experience.

An experience that helps you get the edge in exams, college and job applications, open your mind to a new and different way of life, grow your self-confidence and build your network of friends.

The EEOP is run by Director Emma Bugden with her team of Area Consultants, partner schools and English teachers, and her wonderful community of host families, who bring students into their homes to live as a member of their family.

The EEOP is a something of a mission for Emma, and she personally recruits all host families and signs up schools to ensure they share her open, empathetic and caring approach.

Our philosophy

We believe a smile speaks 100 languages and a caring attitude underpins everything we do.

We know coming to a new country might be daunting as well as exciting and for many of you it will be your first time away from home and family.

So when you join an EEOP programme you join a family - both your host family that provide your home away from home while you’re in England and the wider EEOP family of students, area consultants, teachers and schools.

We are committed to making your stay happy and rewarding, so we work hard to ensure every aspect of your programme fits your needs.

We work hard to match you with the right family, welcome you and make sure you’re settled in and keep in regular touch to ensure all is going well.

Your Area Consultant is on hand to help you with any queries or just to have a chat, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.


About me


I’m Emma Bugden and I’m the Director of the EEOP. This is so much more than a business for me, it is a mission that has been part of my life for as long as I can remember.

My Mum Sue ran the organisation for many years and we always had students around us, some even stayed with us when we were a host family.

I took over the running of EEOP at the tender age of 21 when my Mum Sue, fell ill and was not able to continue working.

Now I oversee all of our programmes and oversee all host family recruitment, getting to know every family and keeping in regular touch. Many of them have hosted students for us for many years and are like honourary members of my own family!

I live in Dover, Kent with my dog, a very soppy Staffie named Marley. I am also a devoted auntie to Molly & Lilly and to my lovely circle of friends.

In my rare time off I love walking my dog, doing some yoga to relax and listening to music. As a very empathetic person I love helping people and making people smile, animals are also a real love of mine.


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