What will it cost?

The cost depends on the Programme you choose and the length of your stay. To learn more, get in touch with us for Programme details.

When is the best time to study in England?

We recommend you take the School Stay Programme in the introduction stage of your A levels or equivalent and you can choose between starting in the Autumn term (September to December) or Spring term (​January to Easter).

Where will I stay?

You will stay with an English family who have been carefully matched to you, using the details you provide in your application form. You will live with them as one of the family giving you lots of opportunity to speak English with them, learn about English way of life and to provide you with a home away from home.

Does the host family receive payment?

Our host families do not have students live with them in their homes for the money. They do receive an allowance to cover the cost of meals and the other additional expenses of having a student live with them in their home but most of them have much more altruistic reasons. The​y want to meet people from other countries, learn about their lives and culture, help students better understand England and make great memories.

What school will i go to?

School Stay Programme students attend an English school or college near to their host family’s home, in the region of England you choose.

What subjects will I study?

You will be able to choose your subjects from those offered by your allocated school. Many of our students take the opportunity to include subjects not available at their home school.

Will I have to wear school uniform?

Most of our School Stay students are in the Sixth Form and are not required to wear uniform (although this depends on the specific school). We do suggest you dress smartly (no jeans or trainers) and appropriately ​for the school day.

What travel documents will I need?

The documents you will need for entry to the UK depend on your country of residence and your nationality. You need to show the immigration officer your official letter and certificate of acceptance, which you will have received from your official sponsor. Depending on your nationality, you will also need one of the following documents:

  • Student visa

  • Short-term student visa ​(for courses lasting no more than 6 months)

  • Entry clearance certificate

  • Letter of consent

What insurance do I need?

No Insurance is included. The EEOP does not include health, personal or travel insurance in any of our programmes. You must have private health insurance to cover the cost of any medical or dental treatment required by you during your stay. We also strongly recommend that parents of students take out personal and/or travel policies in your home country.

Will i get homesick?

You may feel slightly homesick at first as you adapt to a different life style, but different is not always worse and you will settle in after a while, and your host parents or your Area Consultant are happy to listen and help. You will find you soon make new friends especially if you join clubs or groups at your school or in the neighbourhood.

What happens if I’m ill?

Should you feel ill, tell your host family or school teacher who will help you. Your EEOP area consultant is also only a call or message away. Emergency treatment in hospital following an accident, is provided free. The cost of other treatment including dental will be covered by your private health insurance.

We’re here to answer any questions not covered in our FAQ so get in touch with us today